ACE Aware Training Courses

Trauma Informed Management and Care

ACE Aware Courses

Ace Aware Courses provided include: Trauma Informed Care, Trauma Informed Leaders, Adverse Childhood Experiences Awareness, Trauma Informed Nursery's, Difficult Conversations, Resilience Building. Training available throughout the UK.

Adverse Childhood Experiences

As Scotland becomes an ACE aware country we are one of the first training providers in Scotland to provide ACE aware training courses.

Other Training

Other training courses include: NLP Skills, Ideation Bootcamp, Ideation Toolkit.

What are ACE's

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are stressful or traumatic experiences that can have a huge impact on children and young people throughout their lives.

Examples of Adverse Childhood Experiences

Being brought up by adults with alcohol and drug use problems, mental health problems, domestic violence, parents have spent time in prison, or parents have separated

Why ACE's Matter

Research from Wales found that people who reported experiencing four or more ACES are: 4x more likely to be a high-risk drinker ,16x more likely to have used crack cocaine or heroin, 6x increased risk of never or rarely feeling optimistic, 3x increased risk of heart disease, respiratory disease and type 2 diabetes, 15x more likely to have committed violence, 14x more likely to have been victim of violence in the last 12 months, 20x more likely to have been in prison at any point in their life.

Consideration of ACE's is therefore crucial to thinking about how to improve the lives of children, young people and adults.


Scottish Government Commitment

The Scottish Government has set out its commitment to preventing and mitigating ACEs. You can read about their commitment in the 2017/18 Programme for Government . We co-ordinate a Scottish ACEs Hub to progress national action on ACEs. The ACE Hub, working with Scottish Government and other partners is involved in action on raising awareness and understanding about ACEs contributing to developing the evidence base on ACEs policy and practice approaches to prevent ACEs and mitigate their negative impacts. You can help reduce ACEs by preventing household adversity supporting parents and families building resilience in children and wider communities encouraging wider awareness and understanding about ACEs and their impact on health and behaviour using encounters with adults in services such as homelessness services, addiction, prison or maternity services, to also consider the impacts on their children or future children.

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